I guess I'll go over cool things that have happened lately.
There was the grand reunion in Vermont this september and october, where 'the boys' and myself performed The Complete History of America [Abridged] for sold out houses at Lost Nation Theater. Exact same cast, artistic staff, design team and crew as the previous year's Complete Works of William Shakespeare [Abridged]. I promised that halfway through the run I'd start indiscriminately claiming, "I'm huge in Vermont," a promise I've made good on, including in my theatre bio on this site.
I returned to NYC to find a ton of clown work waiting for me, and I also got to work on an exciting devised piece with friend/awesome director Greg Taubman for one of his Columbia projects. Made an apperance at the most recent tinydangerousfun. Just finished developing a new puppet show for college kids with Ora Fruchter, and currently prepping for a magic performance for The Platform Group's fundraiser variety show. I've gotten back in the air with Madeline, my aerial teacher, but I'd love to start flying more regularly and start developing an act.
Oh! And the last thing I'll write about is my amazing trip to Buffalo. Buffalo is an AWESOME city. Like a small, happy Chicago. I was there to audition for an upcoming production of Lebensraum, and I met a ton of cool people, and got to spend time with Megan Callahan, a fellow clown, actor and dialect coach, who is also a director, yoga teacher, healer and Reiki master. Megan put me up and showed me the city, took me to her classes, to a contact improv jam, to a play, to Niagra Falls. AND we exchanged a ton of dialect resources, swelling both of our audio libraries. Fantastic.